About us

Alelu Canine Education

Alelu Canine Education is a company from Campinas / SP (Brazil) formed by people who are passionate about dogs and who have decided to offer athe best regarding dog training and canine behavior.

Our services include dog training, socialization and education and it is guided according to the best practices, specially the adestramento positivo. Temos como principal objetivo de promover o bem estar do animal e o convívio harmonioso com todos os familiares.

We value not only the excellence in the service provided to the dog but also the reliability and respect with its tutors.


  • Improve the quality training life the dogs and provide a better relationship with their families.


  • To be a reference in the Brazilian market as a company focused on dog, education and and training .


  • Love and respect to the animals;
  • Transparency;
  • Honesty;
  • Professionalism;
  • Pontualidade;
  • Ethic.